Maholla Products is an eco-focused lifestyle products company founded by two high school friends committed to getting back to the basics of good business: high-quality innovative products, unparalleled customer satisfaction, and social & environmental responsibility. We work tirelessly to help the world become a cleaner and healthier place one product at a time by using recycled or sustainable materials.
Every year Maholla becomes more eco-friendly by improving our processes and lessening our impact on the environment. We’re in this for the long haul. Our philosophy is that by creating high-quality, eco-friendly products that last a lifetime, we replace less sustainable competitors and reduce the energy now used to create cheap, “disposable” products that last only a few years. 1 good product forever rather than 1 cheap product every 7 years, for 49 years.. The math checks out.
Grassracks is our line of best-in-class outdoor gear racks, made from one of the most sustainable materials on the planet, bamboo. Aside from Mounting Bar hardware, Grassracks products are made from 100% bamboo, not a veneer, so you will be able to enjoy the beautiful bamboo grain and rich color while taking advantage of its functionality and strength.
Meaning of “Maholla”
Maholla Products, Inc. is the name and making innovative, eco-responsible products is the game. While Grassracks is our flagship brand, we have a few others in development. We created Maholla Products to keep all of our brands under one roof. To create our company, we needed a word that fit with our ideals, so we made one..
“Maholla” is derived from a combination of 2 words.
1. The respectful Hawaiian word, ‘mahalo,’ used to show thanks, admiration, and praise
2. and ‘holla’ the colloquial American greeting meaning “see ya later.”
The mixture, to us, portrays how we feel about our products and customers. We respect our customers, their gear, and what they do, and we see their purchase not just as an exchange of goods but the beginning of a long and happy relationship with us. We want everyone to love our products but, most importantly, be able to appreciate their favorite gear and immortalize their best memories with our products. To us, Maholla means “Thank you, come again.”